Important numbers
In case you need assistance from your government representative in Brazil, it is useful to keep at hand the phone number of the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate of your country.
As well as for consulates, it may be as handy to have the polices number and others emergency numbers in case you need any assistance in São Paulo.
City tours in São Paulo
Paulista Avenue Region
MASP (São Paulo Art Museum): https://masp.org.br/
Mirante 9 de julho: http://mirante.art.br/
Japan House: https://www.japanhouse.jp/saopaulo/
Espaço Itaú Cultural: http://www.itaucultural.org.br/espaco-olavo-setubal
Instituto Moreira Salles: https://ims.com.br/unidade/sao-paulo/
Casa das rosas: http://www.casadasrosas.org.br/
Conjunto Nacional: http://www.condominioconjuntonacional.com.br/
Golden Tower Hotel Sorroundings
Benedito Calixto Street Market (Saturdays only): http://pracabeneditocalixto.com.br/
Instituto Tomie Othake: https://www.institutotomieohtake.org.br/
Museu da Pessoa: http://www.museudapessoa.net/pt/home
Instituto Brincante: http://www.institutobrincante.org.br/eventos
Close to USP
Instituto Butantã: http://www.butantan.gov.br/Paginas/default.aspx
Museu da Imagem e do Som: http://www.mis-sp.org.br/
Museu Afro Brasil (Inside Ibirapuera Park): http://www.museuafrobrasil.org.br/
Museu de Arte Contemporânea: http://www.mac.usp.br/mac/
Cinemateca Brasileira: http://cinemateca.gov.br/
Museu da Imigração: http://museudaimigracao.org.br/
Memorial da América Latina: https://saopaulosemmesmice.com.br/memorial-da-america-latina-sao-paulo/
Museu do Futebol: https://www.museudofutebol.org.br/
All foreign embassies are located in the Brazilian capital, Brasília. Some of the Brazilian major cities have Consulates that may help foreign citizens in case of need. You can find a list of Embassies and Consulates in Brazil, with information about their phone numbers, web sites, email addresses and physical addresses, at these web pages:
There is a smartphone application created by the Government of the State of São Paulo that provides the addresses of Consulates in São Paulo, and also the addresses and telephone numbers of the Tourist Police of São Paulo. The application provides information in English and in Portuguese.
Public Utility Services all over Brazil use a 3 digit telephone number beginning with 1. All cities use the same emergency numbers. The most important of these numbers are:
190: Military Police
192: Ambulance
193: Firefighters
194: Federal Police
The telephone number 190 (Military Police) is the most widely used number for emergencies. The 190 emergency service will transfer the call to the respective service based on the nature of emergency.
In the major Brazilian cities (including São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) the 190 emergency service will be able to provide assistance in English and Spanish. Foreign visitors should, however, preferably use the Tourist Police in case they need any help.
At both airports of São Paulo (Guarulhos and Congonhas) and at both Rio de Janeiro airports (Galeão and Santos Dumont) there are Tourist Police precints. Bellow, adresses where you can contact Tourist Police
The São Paulo Tourist Police (Delegacia Especializada em Atendimento ao Turista, DEATUR) can be contacted at 011-3120-4447 and 011-3151-4167 .
Av. Sao Luis 92, Centro: Phone 011-3214-0209
Rua Sao Bento 380, Centro: Phone 011-3107-5642 or 011-3107-8332
Rua da Consolação, 247 Centro: Phone 011-3257-4475 or 011-3151-4167;
São Paulo International Airport, Guarulhos – Cumbica: Phone 011-2611-2686;
São Paulo Congonhas Airport: Phone 011-5090-9032 or 011-5090-9043 or 011-5090-9041 or 011-5090-9038
Rua da Cantareira, 390 - Centro (close to the Mercado Municipal): Phone 011-3120-4417
Parque Anhembi - Pavilhão de Exposições do Anhembi: Phone 011-2226-0664
You are probably covered by a travel insurance (if you did not, think about it, please!). Your travel insurance contract will contain a phone number and other ways of obtaining help if you have any health problem, accident, legal problem, police problem and other situations. Keep at hand the phone number of your travel insurance service.
For those covered by Travel Ace, as most participants of the SPSAS-Ocean, the emergency number is: 0800-761-9254
Travel Ace also has a mobile phone app, that you can download at:
If your credit card is lost or stolen, you can make a free call to report what happened. The main phone lines for the major credit cards are:
American Express – 0800 785050
MasterCard and Visa – 0800 784456
Diners Club – 0800 784444
You can call those numbers from any Brazilian city.