There are many things going on during SPSAS. This page was created to facilitate the access to the different documents of each speaker's presentation, to the documents that are being organized by the participants and also of pictures that any participant has sent to us. We will upload this documents here through the course, as they are ready to be uploaded on line, so many of them are not linked yet!
Go through this page and its sub-pages (links on the left) and let us know if there is anything else you want to upload here.
Opening Section: video record
Day 1 - Monday, AUGUST 13

Speaker: Jake Rice
Class 1.1 - Oceans in the international agenda: Presentation / Video / Participants' summary
Class 1.2 - Challenges in ocean science: Presentation / Video / Participant's summary
Day 2 - Tuesday, AUGUST 14

Speaker: Pedro Roberto Jacobi
Class 2.1 - Interdisciplinary research and governance: Presentation / Video / Participants' summary
Class 2.2 - Interdisciplinary research and governance - debate: Participant's summary

Speaker: Cristiana Simão Seixas
Class 3.1 - Complex Costal and Marine Socio-Ecological Systems: Presentation / Participants' summary
Class 3.2 - The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem - IPBES: Presentation / Participant's summary
Day 3 - Wednesday, AUGUST 15

Speaker: Leandra Gonçalvez
Class 4.1 - Ocean Governance: Law of the Sea, CDB and UNFCC: Presentation / Participants' summary

Speaker: Leopoldo Gerhardinger
Class 4.2 - Healing Partnerships: Transdisciplinary diagnostics for global ocean stewardship: Presentation / Participants' summary

Speaker: Alan Simcock
Class 5.1 - Ocean assessments and goals: MEA, the Regular Process and SDGs: Presentation / Participants' summary
Class 5.2 - Ocean assessments and goals: MEA, the Regular Process and SDGs: Presentation / Participants' summary
Day 4 - Thursday, AUGUST 16

Speaker: Silvia Ines Romero
Class 6.1 - Introduction to ocean physics: Presentation and Additional Info / Participants' summary
Class 6.2 - Climate change and ocean variability: Presentation and Additional Info / Participants' summary

Speaker: Luiz Drude de Lacerda
Class 7.1 - Materials Transfer at the Continent-Ocean Interface under the Scenario of the Anthropocene: Presentation / Participants' summary
Class 7.2 - Neotropical mangroves: conservation and sustainable use in a scenario of global climate changes: Presentation / Participants' summary
Day 5 - Friday, AUGUST 17

Speaker: Edmo Campos
Class 8.1 - Understanding and modeling ocean basins: Presentation Class 8.1 & 8.2 / Participants' summary
Class 8.2 - Understanding and modeling ocean basins: Participant's summary

Speaker: Angelo Fraga Bernardino
Class 9.1 - Marine biodiversity: patterns, processes and threats under a changing climate: Presentation Class 9.1 & 9.2 / Participants' summary
Class 9.2 - Marine biodiversity: patterns, processes and threats under a changing climate: Participant's summary
Day 6 - Saturday, AUGUST 18

Speaker: Milton Asmus
Class 10.1 - Blue economy, the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs: Presentation / Participants' summary
Class 10.2 - Blue economy, the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs: Presentation / Participant's summary
Day 7 - Monday, AUGUST 20

Speaker: Anthony Charles
Class 11.1 - Setting the context: The challenge of governance in marine social-ecological systems: Presentation 11.1 & 11.2 / Participants' summary
Class 11.2 - Setting the context: The challenge of governance in marine social-ecological systems: Participants' summary

Speaker: Fabio Hissa Vieira Hazin
Class 12.1 - Regional fisheries agreements and organizations: Presentation Class 12.1 & 12.2 / Participants' summary
Class 12.2 - Regional fisheries agreements and organizations: Participants' summary
Day 8 - Tuesday, AUGUST 21

Speaker: Daniel Suman
Class 13.1 - Marine protected areas and the science-policy dimensions: Presentation 13.1 & 13.2 / Participants' summary
Class 13.2 - Setting the context: The challenge of governance in marine social-ecological systems: Participants' summary

Speaker: Anne Langas Gossé
Class 14.1 - Marine Spatial Planning - Concept: Presentation / Participants' summary
Class 14.2 - Integrating Science and Public Policy: Presentation / Participants' summary
Day 9 - Wednesday, AUGUST 22

Speaker: Frank Muller-Krager
Class 15.1 - Marine Biodiversity Observation Networks: Presentation 15.1 & 15.2 / Participants' summary
Class 15.2 - Marine Biodiversity Observation Network: Participants' summary

Speaker: Ronaldo Cristofoletti
Preparation for the field/practical activity: Social ecological context of Baixada Santista: Presentation