General Coordinator for Oceans, Antarctica and Geosciences of the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications, who has been working with Marine and Antarctic Sciences for more than a decade. Biologist, with a Masters in Ecology at Universidade de Brasilia, coordinates the Brazilian research endeavours in the Atlantic and Antarctic, providing technical advice on actions of governance, analysis of research projects, the formulation and implementation of public policies, settling international cooperation, managing budget, among other activities. As a fellow from the United Nations – Nippon Foundation of Japan, undertook research on a Policy framework for Ocean Sciences Coordination in Brazil, focusing on science-policy interface in the decision making process. Acted as the Global Alumni Representative from 2010-12, coordinating alumni activities among more than fifty countries. Has also experience with NGOs, having aceted as project coordinator and director of the NGO Pequi, on research and conservation for the Cerrado biome.
(Text trom the internett)

Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications