Edmo Campos is a retired Full Professor at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo and is currently a Visiting Senior Professor at the Marine Sciences Institute of the Federal University of Ceará, from Sep/2017 to Sep/2018. He is a top Researcher (level 1A) of the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Member Elect of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and of the Academy of Sciences of the State of Sao Paulo. His major research interest is the study of the impacts of the changing climate on the ocean circulation and the feedbacks of changes in the ocean on climate, using numerical models and observations. Prof. Edmo was one of the Lead-Authors of the Chap. 3 of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report (AR5 and of the Chap. 3 of the 1st Assessment Report of the Brazilian Panel for Climate Change. He has been lead-PI of several major projects funded by Brazilian and international agencies. He is a member of the PIRATA International Steering Committee, member of the International SAMOC Executive Committee and member of the GO-SHIP and OceanSites Scientific Committees. In the past decades he has authored over 70 peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters, and has advised over 35 graduate and undergraduate students and more than 10 post-doctoral fellows.
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University of São Paulo