Dr. Angelo Bernardino is a professor at the Department of Oceanography at the Federal University of Espirito Santo in Vitória-ES. His research is focused on the ecology and conservation of benthic ecosystems, including estuaries and deep-sea. Dr. Bernardino has published in a number of scientific journals related to deep-sea research, ecosystem ecology, impact assessments and conservation of marine habitats. Currently Dr. Bernardino’s research is focused on the Long-term assessment of coastal ecosystems (Estuaries, Mangroves and Coastal reefs) under climate change effects (PELD/LTER Espírito Santo), and on impact assessments of the Mariana mine tailing spill disaster on the Rio Doce estuary. Bernardino’s scientific output and other research interests and ongoing projects can be found at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Angelo_Bernardino and https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?hl=pt-BR&user=ghfH7E0AAAAJ.
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Federal University of Espírito Santo