Federal University of São Paulo
Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Institute of Marine Sciences. His current research is focused on disentangling the influence of natural and anthropogenic drivers on coastal biodiversity and ecosystem services at different scales. The understanding of how natural environmental drivers interact from local to latitudinal scales and the determination of how these drivers modify patterns and the strength of interactions in benthic marine communities is required to manage natural systems. The abundance, composition and distribution of species has been modified with urban sprawl, which has contributed to the loss of local biodiversity, introduction of non-native species and changes in the biological processes of communities. By studying anthropogenic impacts in natural systems Dr Christofoletti aims to understand the effects of multiple stressors on benthic communities and their effects on ecosystem functioning. By developing interdisciplinary research, his interests go beyond purely ecological applications. By integrating natural and impacted regions, his recent aims are to provide an interdisciplinary view of nature conservation and use of resources in a socioeconomic view, and thus inform decision makers on effective management strategies to prevent or reduce anthropogenic impacts on coastal systems and maintain their current ecosystem functioning and services.
(Text informed by the speaker)